

It's 10 minutes to 6 (a.m) as i'm starting to write. Laid myself on the bed after long hours of net-surfing, rolled over (for i don't know how many times), played Vortex on my Nano until stage 17....and i still don't feel sleepy! Serves me right, for the 11 hour sleep i had yesterday and the ciggies i've been smoking the whole nite! So i thought: what the hell, let me just write something in this blog (which has been senyap sunyi for a very long time).

I suddenly thought of the word INSPIRATION. I checked my thesaurus (instead of a dictionary, because someone borrowed it and never returned it back) and found that the word is synonymous with: STIMULUS, MOTIVATION, INFLUENCE, MUSE, INCENTIVE

INSPIRATION for me comes in many different forms, such as real people (be it celebrities or people in my life), fictional characters from a movie, songs, TV shows, movies, etc and they apply to different situations in my life.

So here are my inspirations:

1) Mariah Carey, Anuar Zain, Boyz II Men
These are the my essential singers to think about before i perform for any occasions (Malaysian Night ke, Annual Spring Concert ke, whatever la). Actually, i need to not only think about them, but also to watch them perform "live" in a concert. Dunno why, but probably because i helps me to berangan as if i sound as goood as they do. Hehe, it helps, u know!

2) House M.D (TV series)
I know, it's stereotypical for medical students to enjoy watching medical-based dramas and comedies like House, Grey's, E.R and all, but it's very understandable why. Although probably don't show us the really real life of medical personnels, they really inject some motivation in me. I don't really care much about Grey's though....watched the first season and wasn't really tempted to watch the next. But House.....emmmm, couldn't stop at first season, had to continously watch the coming episodes. Honestly speaking, House actually INSPIRED me to study Internal Med a little bit more than i usually do! (i know, how shallow is that?)

3) Scrubs (TV series)
This is another medical-themed tv series, but really, i don't watch it because it's about Medicine. Call me immature, but i found that every episode always gives me something to realize about. It's all in JD's monologues at the end of every episode. I duno why, but they're always meaningful to me, and i can always relate to whatever he's saying. So, whenever i feel the need to be reminded about something in life, i'd just play some episodes on the GOM player and there, i'd be INSPIRED!

4) Hero (song)
The title itself is self explanatory on why it's inspirational. And when you add Miss Carey as the singer, this song becomes super special to me. I think most people know this song (whether you love her or hate her!) and i'm sure that anyone can relate to the messages contained in the lyrics. Cheesy? Yes, but then again, my favorite Pizza Hut IS Hawaiian Supreme, coz they have extra mozzarella in it!

5) Wedding Wars (movie)
If you've already watched the movie, then you'd know that i'm probably just coming out to you (hehe). I thank Mariam so much for recommending me to watch this, because i enjoyed it too much! i mean, ever since i copied this movie from the network (few days ago), i've watched it for maybe 6 times! crazy bitch! Why's it inspirational? I dunno la.....probably because it gives me the hope of finding love like that? that everything will end up happily in the end? Heh, life's too sad, that i only have movies to watch to make believe that love will come my way (eh, motif kau feeling2 ni apehalll?)

There you have it! Some of my inspirational stuffs that i can think about for now....


In the Mood for Love..again.

I've seen this thing before, but today i saw it again in my friendster's bulletin board.....and I loved it! Just to share......

Bila lelaki benar-benar jatuh cinta dan setia pada kekasihnya dengan ikhlas, perubahan sikapnya amat mengejutkan.
Hati lelaki yang dianggap keras selama ini, tiba2 secara semulajadi menjadi selembut kapas apabila sudah jatuh cinta dengan relanya.
Bahkan lelaki yang mabuk cinta sanggup berkorban dan buat apa sahaja utk kekasihnya. Sekeras manapun hati lelaki ia akan mengalirkan air mata apabila hatinya dilukai.
Utk melihat lelaki menangis amatlah payah.

Diantara tanda-tanda lelaki yang jatuh cinta dengan hebat ialah:

1. Dia bersungguh-sungguh melakukan sesuatu utk kekasihnya dengan rela bukan kerana terpaksa.
2. Dia sentiasa ingin menghiburkan kekasihnya dan berubah menjadi orang yang kuat bercakap.
3. Dia byk menasihati kekasihnya kerana dia amat menyayangi kekasihnya.
4. Dia berusaha mengongkong kebebasan kekasihnya kerana perasaan cemburunya yang meluap-luap.
5. Dia sentiasa takut kehilangan kekasihnya.
6. Dia sentiasa mengawasi pergerakan kekasihnya kerana dia sentiasa berasa curiga.
7. Dia tidak suka ada lelaki lain rapat dengan kekasihnya.
8. Dia mudah merasa cemburu dans ensitif apabilakekasihnya tidak menumpukan sepenuh perhatian kepadanya.
9. Adakalanya dia seperti seorang anak kecil yang meminta perhatian kerana dia mahu kekasihnya melayannya lebih dari orang lain.
10. Dia menjadi orang yang paling rajin dan sanggup membantu kekasihnya melakukan apa saja.
11. Dia pandai merajuk hati kerana ingin dipujuk oleh kekasihnya.
12. Dia akan mengalabah apabila kekasihnya berjauhan daripanya terlalu lama.
13. Dia sentiasa mempastikan keselamatan kekasihnya.
14. Dia mementingkan kekasihnya daripada dirinya sendiri.
15. Dia kerap bertanya adakah kekasihnya mencintainya kerana dia merasa kasihnya lebih kuat drpd kekasihnya.
16. Dia tidak akan melayan perempuanlain yang tidak adaurusan penting dengannya.
17. Dia cuba meluangkan lebih byk masa dengan kekasihnya walaupun terpaksa menunggu kekasihnya dengan sabar.
18. Dia membanggakan kekasihnya di depan orang lain.
19. Kalau ditinggalkan oleh kekasihnya, ia akan berasa serik dan tidak percaya dengan cinta perempuan lain namun dia sentiasa mengharap kekasihnya kembali kepadanya.
20. Apabila timbul orang ketiga, dia akan hilang akal dan sanggup berbuat apa saja untuk merebut kembali kekasihnya.
21. Dia menganggap kekasihnya sebagai orang yang paling dipercayainya dan sanggup menyerahkan harta walaupun nyawanya sendiri.
22. Dia tidak akan berlaku curang kepada kekasihnya namun jikalau dia dia berbuat demikian
itu bererti hatinya belum 100 peratus mencintai kekasihnya.
23. Bukan semua lelaki sanggup menitiskan air matanya untuk seorang perempuan.


Tips: Are you faithful?

I was just surfing the net when I stumbled upon a webpage with an article about the signs of infidelity in a man. Sounds useful, huh? (I mean, of course, for women and gay guys).

In a world where anything can happen, it’s good to have a ‘guide’ to help us protect ourselves from the painfully hurting feeling of being cheated upon. I mean, how many people you know are actually perfectly faithful to their partner? At some point in a lovey-dovey relationship, someone will just end up cheating the significant other, rite?

So, back to the ‘symptoms’…….they’re quite interesting, actually. And quite surprising too.

There are 5, and here they are:

#1 : He never pays his bills on timeThis shows that the guy is unreliable and careless, meaning that if he doesn’t even care about his own responsibilities, why would he be responsible in his relationships

I SAY: hmmmm…agak terasa jugak. Sounds like me. Does “not doing exam on time” belong in this group?

#2: He’s a Do-GooderWhich means that he’s a guy who does lots of good, beneficial stuffs for others. But how come? Here’s why: by being a Do-Gooder, these people can justify the wrong things they do (i.e. cheating) with explanations that they’re not doing anything wrong at all. Konon konon nak kata yang they have a very high moral standards la tuh.

I SAY: really? Maybe….

#3: He’s richThe explanation is that, people with lower income tend to be more dependent on others in a relationship and thus, they are not very likely to ruin the relationship.

I SAY: I don’t think that’s very true. I mean, I know an acquaintance of my dad, who’s not very rich, but still decided to cheat on his wife. Jahat!

#4: He likes to yellErmm..yeah, yelling and shouting with anger is not very much connected to cheating (I think it just makes the significant other stay away from you….), but some studies have shown that unfaithful partners have many similarities in personalities with abusive, angry ones.

I SAY: yup, anger doesn’t really help, you know……

#5: He’s in love with mirrorsActually, that’s the other way of saying that he’s a narcissistic. He’s soo much into himself and his self-importance that he’ll never think about the effects of him cheating his partner.

I SAY: but hey..if you need to fix your hair?

So girls (and some guys), hopefully those signs will be helpful when you’re choosing someone as your partner…….